News from Weld County The Latest


Written by Scott James

In August, property owners in Weld County who appealed their 2024 property value will receive a Notice of Determination (NOD) from the Assessor. Property owners in disagreement with the value determination, have another opportunity to appeal. This week, the Weld County Board of Commissioners convenes as the County Board of Equalization (BOE) — a separate governing body, required by state statute, to form every year and rule on appeals beginning September 1 through November 1. The BOE will begin accepting appeals on August 15.

The 2024 values reflect the economics of June 30, 2022; therefore, the BOE can only consider sales and other market information from 2021 and the first six months of 2022. A hearing before the BOE is the second level of protest regarding property values. First, the Assessor’s Office hears from property owners who disagree with their Notice of Valuation (NOV) issued in May. After a thorough review, the office issues a Notice of Determination (NOD) to each property owner that filed an appeal. Only those who appealed their NOV and received an NOD can appeal to the BOE.

Real and personal property appeals (residential, commercial, agricultural, vacant land, personal property, oil and gas or producing mines) must be received or postmarked by Monday, September 16, 2024. Please note that no late appeals will be considered, and the BOE cannot accept telephone appeals.

However, appeals can be made in many other ways including:

  • Online through the Weld County Property Portal
  • By mailing appeals to the attention of the County Board of Equalization, 1400 N. 17th Ave., Greeley, CO 80631. It is recommended that people mailing an appeal retain proof of mailing.
  • Delivering an appeal in person to 1400 N. 17th Ave. in Greeley.
  • By fax. Appeals can be faxed to the attention of the County Board of Equalization at (970) 304-6433.
  • By email at [email protected].

Those submitting an appeal in-person, by mail, email or fax should include their signed and dated NOD or a signed and dated letter with their name, property address or location, account number or parcel number, phone number, email address and the reason(s) why they’re appealing the values in the NOD.

Please visit the Weld County Board of Equalization webpage for more information about the appeal process.

About the author

Scott James

A 4th generation Northern Colorado native, Scott K. James is a veteran broadcaster, professional communicator, and principled leader. Widely recognized for his thoughtful, common-sense approach to addressing issues that affect families, businesses, and communities, Scott, his wife, Julie, and son, Jack, call Johnstown, Colorado, home. A former mayor of Johnstown, James is a staunch defender of the Constitution and the rule of law, the free market, and the power of the individual. Scott has delighted in a lifetime of public service and continues that service as a Weld County Commissioner representing District 2.