Statue of Liberty with flag of the United States of America at New York City
Construction of a high border wall to prevent illegal immigration.


Immigration is a federal issue, and a County Commissioner has absolutely no authority pertaining to the securing of borders and the repairing of a broken immigration system.

With that said, I recognize that the porous borders of the United States have become the nation’s largest source of drug traffickers, human traffickers, fentanyl, and other drugs that are poisoning our children and our culture. It is paramount that we prioritize the safety and security of our own citizens.

The federal government’s inability or unwillingness to repair the broken immigration system and secure our sovereignty by securing our borders not only puts a strain on our resources and economy, but it also poses potential threats to our personal safety and our national security.

I will use these pages to offer my opinions on what has become the nation’s top issue, provide information, and offer suggestions on how we can act and with whom we should engage and advocate.

I will be a constant, loud advocate for the securing of our borders and the repairing of our immigration system. Additionally, I will act using the authority I am granted by statute, charter, and ordinance to place Weld First.

More on Immigration