Several important leadership roles were announced at Monday’s board meeting. As required by the Weld County Home Rule Charter, the board must elect a chair of the board and chair pro tem at the start of their first annual meeting each year. The board elected Perry Buck to serve as the chair for 2024 and Scott James to serve as the chair pro tem. The chair presides over commissioner meetings; the pro tem presides over meetings in the chair’s absence.
2025 coordinator roles are as follows:
Commissioner Perry Buck: The Department of Finance and Administration, Accounting and Purchasing, Clerk to the Board, the County Attorney, Human Resources, the Treasurer and Public Trustee’s Office and the Public Information Office.
Commissioner Scott James: TheDepartment of Public Health and Environment, the Coroner’s Office, Information Technology, Justice Services, the Office of Emergency Management and Public Safety Communications.
Commissioner Kevin Ross: The Department of Planning Services, Oil and Gas Energy Department and the Extension Office.
Commissioner Jason Maxey: The Department of Public Works, Facilities Department and the Fleet Services Department.
Commissioner Lynette Peppler: TheDepartment of Human Services and the Department of Veterans Service.
Appointments to advisory boards were also made:
Commissioner Perry Buck: The Bright Futures Advisory Board.
Commissioner Scott James: ThePre-Trial Services Advisory Board; Regional Communications Advisory Board; North Front Range Metropolitan Planning Organization (NFRMPO); Upstate Colorado Economic Development Board.
Commissioner Kevin Ross: The Emergency Food and Shelter Program Board; Extension Advisory Council; Greeley-Weld County Airport Authority; Island Grove Park Advisory Board; NFRMPO; Upstate Colorado Economic Development Board.
Commissioner Jason Maxey: The Federal Mineral Lease Act Board; Bright Futures Advisory Board; Greeley-Weld County Airport Authority.
Commissioner Lynette Peppler: The 911 Emergency Telephone Service Authority Board; Human Services Advisory Commission.