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Pledge of Allegiance – Self explanatory
Roll Call – Self explanatory
Minutes – This is the approval of the minutes from previous meetings for entry into the official county record. Any agenda item that has a corresponding number in parenthesis – in this case [2024-0738] – may be looked up in online document search HERE.
Amendments to the Agenda – the agenda is prepared by the Clerk to the Board and approved by the chair prior to the meeting in accordance with publishing requirements outlined in Colorado Revised Statute. The agenda is considered accepted unless amended in the meeting by a two-thirds vote of the BOCC.
Warrants – Payment of the county’s bills. [2024-0867]
Bids – Article XIV, Section 14-9 of the Weld County Charter details Weld County’s bidding procedure. The purchasing department first presents the bids to the BOCC. The BOCC then approves the bid at a later meeting after review from the appropriate department.
- Approve Bid #B2300066 [2024-0744]
- Approve Bid #b2400062 [2024-0745]
- Approve Bid #B2400064 [2024-0746]
- Present Bid #B2400055 [2024-0868]
New Business
- Article III, Section 3-8(m) of the Weld County Charter says the BOCC must approve and execute, on behalf of the County, all contracts and agreements to purchase. Contracts are further explained in Chapter 2, Article I, Section 2-1-40 of Weld County Code. This is Contract ID #7959. [2024-0869]
- Consider Intergovernmental Agreement [2024-0870]
- Consider Intergovernmental Agreement [2024-0871]
- Extension of Temporary Closure of County Road [2024-0872]
- Consider Settlement of Release Agreement [2024-0873]
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Public Comment – As detailed on the agenda itself, the BOCC sets aside time to hear from the public on items not otherwise listed for discussion on the agenda.
Adjourn – Self explanatory
Public Hearings – None scheduled for today.
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Consent Agenda – Chapter 2, Article I, Section 2-1-30 of Weld County Code details the items to be listed under the BOCC’s Consent Agenda. This consent agenda includes a schedule of advisory board meetings, items scheduled for future board meetings, and (on pages 4, 5, and 6), future public hearings, communications, items for public review, signed resolutions for filing, and miscellaneous items. Any agenda item that has a corresponding document number in parenthesis may be looked up in online document search HERE.