I was pleased to appear on Richard Randall’s show on 740 KVOR in Colorado Springs to discuss...
Author - Scott James
Board addresses illegal immigration funding concerns
At their Monday, April 29, 2024, board meeting, Weld County Commissioners approved, by a 5-0 vote...
Good for Andy, better for UNC, best for Northern Colorado
For this post, I am referencing THIS ARTICLE from the Greeley Tribune. Here’s my Five Bullet...
Education in Weld County
Referencing THIS ARTICLE in the Greeley Tribune, here’a s summary in five bullet points: Weld...
Supplemental appropriation approved by Commissioners will help...
The Weld County Board of Commissioners, by a 5-0 vote at yesterday’s meeting, approved a...
Commissioners Formally Oppose House Bill 24-1460
A late minute bill dropped last weekend in the state legislature prompted testimony and formal...
Youth Employment program funds approved
Funding dedicated to helping youth find early career options was approved by the Board of Weld...
Planning Commission, Board of Adjustment, others accepting...
The Planning Commission has openings for three new members: two At-Large members, who can...
Growth a hot topic for county and municipalities
Last week, the Weld County Board of Commissioners, county municipal leaders and associated planning...
Action, not just words
To state the obvious, the recent surge of illegal immigrants crossing into the United States has...