Planning and land use…
…are vital to the ordered growth and development of a county and one of the things I am most passionate about. The consistent application of code pertaining to land use is what brings certainty to landowners. The planning process is designed to provide a consistent review of individual land-use matters through chapters adopted into the Weld County Code. The Weld County Code ensures that each proposed development adheres to the standards adopted by the Board of County Commissioners and I pride myself on fairly evaluating those land use applications through the consistent application of code.
I am a fierce advocate of private property owner rights and strive to maintain the balance between those constitutionally protected rights and the role of the Board of County Commissioners to oversee the orderly development of Weld County.
Weld County is incredibly diverse and I recognize that the needs of the land owner living near New Raymer is vastly different than the needs of the property owner in the rapidly urbanizing southwest portion of our county. Through a consistent application of the county code and an understanding of our subdivision, change of zone, and use by special review processes, I am confident my experience brings consistency and certainty to Weld County property owners and those with development interests in our county.
As a County Commissioner, I am proud of the work I have done with our board and staff in 2019 to update our code pertaining to Zoning (County Code Chapter 23) and in 2020 to update our code pertaining to the Comprehensive Plan (County Code Chapter 22) and Subdivisions (County Code Chapter 24). These needed changes to our code bring a new level of sophistication and responsiveness to planning and land use issues in Weld County.