Sunshine Project
Colorado’s Open Records Act and open meetings laws are collectively and commonly known as “Sunshine Laws.” A very thorough and useful summary of these laws can be found on the Colorado Freedom of Information Coalition’s website HERE.
More broadly, “Sunshine,” as pertaining to government, is the very appropriate practice of ensuring that all functions and actions of your government happen completely transparently – in the light of day.
By nature and profession, I am a communicator, and it is my goal to make sure that we not only communicate the workings of your government, but you understand what is taking place on your behalf. The Sunshine Project is my personal effort to foster that understanding.
In these pages I will endeavor to offer resources that make you more aware of the happenings of Weld County Government and to offer an explanation of why we do what we do. Initially launched March 30, 2024, it is always evolving and a work in progress. I appreciate your suggestions – let me know what you want to see posted here.
A reminder – this is my personal effort and not an official project of Weld County Government. I will link to many official county resources and readily offer explanations. No taxpayer money is used in the development of these resources – the effort is mine and I encourage you to openly converse directly with me.