Colorado is at a crossroads. Rural and suburban voices are being drowned out, but secession isn’t...
Tag - StandForFreedom
Senate Bill 25-161: Transit Reform
Senate Bill 25-161 isn’t about fixing RTD—it’s about pushing radical climate mandates, creating...
House Bill 25-1238: Gun Show Requirements
House Bill 25-1238 is a blatant attack on gun shows and private firearm sales, imposing costly...
House Bill 25-1250: Gun Violence Prevention & Parents of...
House Bill 25-1250 forces anti-gun propaganda into Colorado schools, requiring them to distribute...
House Bill 25-1189: Motor Vehicle Registration Reform & Fees
House Bill 25-1189 is a sneaky tax increase, raising vehicle registration fees and automatically...
House Bill 25-1164: Constitutional Carry of Handgun
House Bill 25-1164 restores Coloradans’ Second Amendment rights by establishing constitutional...
House Bill 25-1133: Requirements for Sale of Firearms Ammunition
House Bill 25-1133 is a blatant attack on gun owners, restricting ammunition sales, banning adults...
House Bill 25-1102: Repeal National Popular Vote Compact
House Bill 25-1102 protects Colorado’s elections by repealing the National Popular Vote Compact and...
House Bill 25-1029: Municipal Authority over Certain Land
House Bill 25-1029 is a dangerous government overreach, giving cities police power over rural land...
House Bill 25-1032: Improving Infrastructure to Reduce...
House Bill 25-1032 is a massive government overreach that expands bureaucracy, raises taxes, and...