Category - Fiscal Responsibility

At the very core of my belief is my ultimate respect for the taxpayer’s – FOR YOUR – dollars. I am an unabashed fiscal conservative and with every expenditure, I ask, “Is this truly needed,” “can we afford it,” and “is this expenditure the proper role of government?”

For governments, the budget is where the rubber meets the road. Governments set their priorities with their budgets and priorities should be determined with people at the core. Budgets should be set within available funds and ensure that basic services are funded at normal levels. Revenue estimates should be realistic. Public safety and roads and bridges should be a priority. Employee compensation should be realistic, fair, and comparable to the salary levels found in the private sector. Establishing reserves should be a priority as they provide protection and stability for the future. TABOR limits must be adhered to. Efficiency and productivity should be a priority. Growth should pay its own way, be planned for and accommodated.

In almost all cases I believe that public debt is bad government and an undue burden on ourselves and future generations.

Governments should manage their money like responsible families, living within their means, balancing their budget, saving for future wants and needs, and scrutinizing every expenditure to ensure it is of maximum benefit for the family.

Under my leadership, Johnstown was debt free with adequate reserves and was able to pay cash for the Johnstown Community YMCA, a project I initiated and spearheaded. I am proud to say Weld County has no long-term debt, no short-term debt, and no county sales tax. While our mill levy set assessment is 22.038, we consistently refund 7 mills to the taxpayers of Weld County.

In budgeting and fiscal matters, I work hard to do what is #RightForWeld!